
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Competition Time

It's not often I do something like this but I know a really awesome group of women in my parenting world who run fabulous W.A.H.M businesses. We decided to put our heads together and run a little competition.

To be in the draw all you have to do is be a liker of my facebook page Natural Mum on the Cheap and then like at least one of the following three pages:

Nudey Rudey - a fabulous organic store that supplies a whole range of parenting things including my favourite Mothers Little Helper and of course the most amazing Organic Cloth Pocket Nappies

Pot of Gold - manufacturers of an amazing healing balm good for scratches, bites bruises and rashes and everything else under the sun.

Unido slings - my absolute favourite pocket slings, comfortable, stylish, easy to use and above all one of the safest designs on the market.

You can like just one or all three to be in the draw for all three, but you MUST be a liker of Natural Mum on the Cheap to be entered.

And what are the prizes?

Nudey Rudey are donating a fabulous pack of Organic Cloth Pocket Nappies.

Pot of Gold are donating a Mother and Baby balm pack

And Unido Slings are donating a sling of the colour and size of your choice

The winners will be announced on this blog and also on the facebook pages of the participating companies. The prizes are subject to availability and not exchangeable for cash.

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